An extraordinary user experience this was not – bin battles

This is what I arrived home to yesterday ::

My Drive. My Bin. My heart hurts. Sob.

My driveway. My bin. My heart hurts. Sob.

Not that interesting?

Wrong – very. I could write an essay on how interesting this is – but for fear of losing followers before I have any, Ill keep it brief.

Here is a perfect example of an exceptionally shockingly bad experience.

The ‘job’ is to empty the bins, but actually that’s not the job.

As a user – I may fill my bin with my crap and other people may see their role is to clear it away but it’s not. Their role is to clear it away in utter ‘silence’. To clear it away as if by magic, to indeed be the fairy who comes along and gives me back an empty bin to one again fill.

But instead I cam back to a bin parked in the middle of my driveway, which resulted in me parking in the street as I was in a hurry to get into my house. My parking in the street effectively blocking the road for the bin van to get through when it was trying to escape my estate later. Once home I then had some bits and pieces of work to do which I couldn’t quite concentrate on as the ‘beeeep-beeep—bloody-beeeeep’ of the bin van reversing and the horrendous clattering of it shifting all of 10 metres a time up the streets in the surrounds of the estate and the noise of the rubbish pouring from the bins continued to bellow on for at least an hour. At least it wasn’t at their usual un-godly hour of 7am on a Saturday I suppose.

Clearly the bin men/women of my area have not quite grasped the concept of an extraordinary experience. Is it too much to ask that you appreciate the impact your task has on the rest of my world? Why? Why? Why? Would you leave my bin in the middle of my (and my neighbours for that matter) driveway!

Get some respect man – wasn’t it Martin Luther King who said

“If it falls to your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music … Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well.”

And while you’re on – turn your sodding reverse alert beeper off when you’re rolling along the road at 5mph – you’re not going fast enough for me to require any warning – I could walk quicker!!